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Application of Short Wave Infrared Camera in Celestial Navigation

2023-05-15 17:51:13

Celestial Navigation is based on natural objects with known accurate spatial positions, passively detects the positions of celestial bodies through astrometry instruments, and determines the navigation information of the carrier where the measurement points are located by solving. Celestial navigation does not require the support of other ground devices, so it has autonomous navigation characteristics and is not affected by artificial or natural electromagnetic fields. It does not radiate electromagnetic waves outward, has good concealment, high positioning and orientation accuracy, and positioning errors do not accumulate over time, making it widely applicable.

At present, visible light celestial navigation has become more mature. With the demand for all-weather observation and the rapid development of shortwave infrared cameras, achieving celestial navigation based on infrared shortwave observation has become a focus of future development.

Compared to visible light CCD cameras, shortwave infrared cameras have natural advantages in observing stars.Short wave infrared cameras have excellent fog penetrating imaging capabilities, avoiding the impact of thin clouds and foggy weather observations.

For distant stellar observations, long exposure time is essential. Compared to detectors in the visible light band of CCD, InGaAs detectors have higher full well capacity, improving exposure and measurement limits.

At the same time, in the infrared band, the number of observable stars is much higher than in visible light. The following image shows the star images observed at night using visible light CCD cameras and shortwave infrared cameras, respectively. The comparison shows that shortwave infrared cameras can see much more stars than visible light CCD cameras.

Figure 1 VIS  CCD Camera

Figure 2  SWIR Camera

Sales Manager: Lily Liu

Mobile: 086-13359283296


Xi'an Gatherstar Optoelectronic System Co.,Ltd is specialized in infrared and laser photoelectric system products and module, components and elements. we are not only confident in supplying qualified optoelectronic products to all of our customers, but also concentrating on offering continuous innovations and reliable service.


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